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The Workplace After the Weinstein Scandal: What it Means for Employers

The Harvey Weinstein scandal has touched a nerve which is empowering women (and men) to exercise their rights and seek legal protection from harassment and retaliation in the workplace.

The 1991 Anita Hill hearings created a wave of litigation; this latest scandal will likely create a tsunami of both internal complaints and external litigation the likes of which employers have not seen before. Moreover, with social media now at everyone’s fingertips, it will also create potential public relations nightmares for employers and their boards who fail to address these complaints quickly and seriously. This seminar — a must-attend event for board members, C-suite executives, department heads, and HR professionals — promises to go beyond the platitudes and to provide real-world, practical guidance to employers and their boards. It will take place on November 14 at 7:30 a.m. and will address, among other things, the following:

  • What we are seeing from our clients in the wake of the Weinstein scandal
  • What employers and their boards should be doing now to protect themselves legally
  • What employers should be doing once an internal complaint has been made
  • How boards should conduct themselves when confronted with a complaint against a high level executive
  • Protecting the brand: public relations and damage control once the allegations hit the press



  • Jennifer Lauro, VP – Group Counsel, HR, and Litigation at Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.
  • Deborah Penta, CEO of PENTA Communications, Inc.

Program Details:

7:30 – 9:30 AM
Mechanics Hall, 321 Main St, Washburn Hall, Worcester, MA

Breakfast will be served. There is no cost to attend.

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