Bob Cox appears on The Chamber Exchange TV Show
Bowditch & Dewey’s newest Managing Partner Bob Cox appeared on the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce’s TV program Chamber Exchange with host Tim Murray. The topic of discussion included transition and succession planning for professional services, specifically how employers can build and support the next generation of leaders within their companies.
By 2020, one in three working adults will be from the millennial generation (those born between 1980 and 2000). By 2025, the millennials will make up 70% of the workforce! This means companies need to plan ahead for the succession of this millennial cohort, but how? Approximately 30% of U.S. law firms have formal succession plans, and Bowditch & Dewey is one of them.
As Bob states in his interview, mid-level and junior professionals wish to see transparency in their career paths, a larger emphasis on technology integration, and assurance that their needs will be met . To support the ushering in of this new generation, Bowditch & Dewey has analyzed its overall talent pool across all generations within the firm, identified its successors, trained personnel appropriately, and identified current and future gaps within our demographics. Learn more about these succession plans, and watch the full interview on YouTube.
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