Bob Cox Moderated “Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Martin Suuberg” (Webinar)
On March 17, 2021, Bob Cox moderated the EBC Leadership Webinar “Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Martin Suuberg.”
This EBC Leadership Webinar will feature Martin Suuberg, Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. His presentation will focus on the DEP program and enforcement priorities and implementation strategies for 2021 and beyond that reflect those issues that are critical to the mission and strategic environmental and energy goals of the Baker administration under the leadership of EOEEA Secretary Kathleen Theoharides.
Issues of concern included:
- Contaminated properties
- Climate Crisis
- Resiliency & Adaptation
- Emergency Response
- Water Supply
- PFOAs & Emerging Contaminants
- Solid Waste Crisis
- Natural Resource Damages
- Brownfields
- Wetlands
- Natural Resources Damages
- Composting & Organics
- Coastal Flooding
- NPDES Permitting
An open discussion moderated by Bob Cox followed the presentation.
Categorized: Events + Recordings
Tagged In: EBC, DEP, Department of Environmental Protection