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Tracy Thomas Boland

Tracy Thomas Boland Quoted in Boston Globe’s “How the OSHA vaccine and testing mandate might play out for local businesses”

On November 4, the Biden administration released a 490-page document implementing a COVID-19 vaccine and testing mandate for large employers. The mandate requires workers at businesses with more than 100 employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 4. Those refusing to get vaccinated must get tested on a weekly basis and wear a mask. Tracy Thomas Boland spoke with the Boston Globe about who will pay for the weekly testing.

Tracy Thomas Boland, a partner in the labor and employment group at Bowditch & Dewey, said she doesn’t think companies in Massachusetts will be able to pass the cost of testing onto employees because of existing state laws about business expenses. Employers would likely need to compensate employees for the time spent getting tested every week, too, if completed outside of work hours.

Continue reading “How the OSHA vaccine and testing mandate might play out for local businesses” on the Boston Globe website.

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