Title IX Regulations Compliance Check-in: Title IX Coordinator Responsibilities (Higher Education Roundtable)
With the release of the long-awaited federal Title IX regulations, as reviewed during our April 25 webinar, the role and responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator in higher education have greatly expanded.
On May 16, 2024, Meaghan Borys led the first of our monthly Compliance Check-ins, where she reviewed the Title IX Coordinator’s responsibilities to manage compliance under the new regulations, including monitoring, recordkeeping, and training, among other tasks.
Register now for additional Compliance Check-ins!
June 12 | 11:00am ET
Compliance Check-in #2: Grievance Procedures
July 16 | 11:00am ET
Compliance Check-in #3: Pregnancy and Related Conditions
August 22 | 11:00am ET
Compliance Check-in #4: Implementation Challenges
Categorized: Events + Recordings
Tagged In: discrimination, compliance, Title IX regulations