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Lynette Paczkowski

Lynette Paczkowski Presented “You’ve Been Served: Assessing Organizational Risk for Bar Associations”

Bar associations all over the country are facing – or fearing – lawsuits over work that once seemed straightforward and struggling to determine what aspects of their work should change and what work they should stand up for. On January 16, the 21st Century Lawyer Committee of the National Conference of Bar Presidents (NCBP) presented a webinar designed to help organizational leaders understand their roles and responsibilities when it comes to assessing legal risk and establishing the bar association’s tolerance of risk.

At the event, Lynette Paczkowski, who serves on NCBP’s Executive Counsel, spoke about the role of board members, general or outside counsel, and the executive director; presented frameworks for assessing legal risk; and provided relevant examples of organizations grappling with risk.

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