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Jon Barooshian

Jon Barooshian quoted in Law360’s “Loughlin’s ‘Sweetheart Deal’ May Spark ‘Varsity Blues’ Pleas”

Actress Lori Loughlin and her husband fashion-designer Mossimo Giannulli have agreed to plead guilty in the “Varsity Blues” college admissions case. Jon Barooshian spoke with Law360 about the current motion in the case.

“I think it’s going to grease the skids to get the rest of the cases resolved,” Barooshian said. “I do think most people were waiting for this motion [to dismiss] to get resolved and once they knew they were facing a trial they just decided to get the case resolved.”

Continue reading “Loughlin’s ‘Sweetheart Deal’ May Spark ‘Varsity Blues’ Pleas” on the Law360 website (subscription required).

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