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AiVi Nguyen

AiVi Nguyen Writes “A New Normal: Guidance For Practitioners In Suffolk Superior Civil Sessions Post-Pandemic” for the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Section Review

The COVID pandemic and the e-filing system changed how civil litigators interact with the Suffolk County Superior Court on the day-to-day administration of cases. AiVi Nguyen attended the court’s Bench-Bar Conference on November 16, 2023, to hear the bench’s perspective on the changes. In her Section Review article for the Massachusetts Bar Association, AiVi discusses some of the takeaways from the conference, including whether or not to e-file, steps attorneys can take to help the court get through the current backlog of cases, best practices for communicating with session clerks, and why firms should let less experienced attorneys argue motions. Here is an excerpt:

The Court Clerks Are The Keys

One thing that has not changed is that the session clerks are invaluable resources for practitioners. Instead of guessing or spinning your wheels when you are unclear on a logistical or administrative issue on a case, reach out to the session clerk. While the judges move from session to session, the session clerks remain static. It is the session clerk who should know all the particularities of your case, so keep them informed.

Continue reading “A New Normal: Guidance For Practitioners In Suffolk Superior Civil Sessions Post-Pandemic” in Session Review on the Massachusetts Bar Association website.


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