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Is Your Close Corporation’s Real Estate Safe from Shareholder Claims of Ownership by Adverse Possession?

In a case of first impression, the Land Court decided that shareholders of Massachusetts close corporations may acquire corporate real estate by adverse possession. In Szawlowski v. Szawlowski Realty, Inc.,[1] the Court concluded that a sibling/shareholder’s use of and control over a home and a portion of corporation owned land were sufficient to support a claim of adverse possession.

To establish ownership by adverse possession, a claimant must demonstrate actual, open, exclusive, and nonpermissive use of realty continuously for a period of 20 years.[2] The court looks to the facts and circumstances of each case when deciding whether all four elements of the claim are satisfied.

Recognizing that shareholders of a close corporation owe each other a heightened duty of utmost good faith and fair dealing[3], the Szawlowski Court wrote that a close corporation shareholder pursuing an adverse possession claim must provide express notice to the corporation that said shareholder is acting adversely to the interests of the corporation.[4] If the corporation fails to challenge the notice, the shareholder may be successful in acquiring title. An unchallenged shareholder notice is evidence of nonpermissive use. A close corporation seeking to protect its real estate from shareholder claims of adverse possession must challenge such notices and demonstrate that the use is permissive.[5]

[1] 2024 WL 1675351 (Mass. Land Ct. Apr. 17, 2024)

[2] Id. at *6 citing Totman v. Malloy, 431 Mass. 143, 145 (2000)

[3] Szawlowski at *8 citing Tocci v. Tocci, 490 Mass. 1, 15 (2022)

[4] Id. at *9

[5] Id.


Categorized: Adverse Possession, Corporate Real Estate

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About the Authors

Baglioni Listing

Of Counsel

Christine L. Baglioni

Christine Baglioni a business and real estate attorney primarily focused on commercial transactions, leasing, zoning, and private and institutional financing. She also represents clients in connection with real estate disputes, tax assessment appeals, state receivership proceedings, contract negotiations, asset purchase and sale transactions, commercial litigation, administrative hearings, and general business matters.

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About the Authors

Baglioni Listing

Of Counsel

Christine L. Baglioni

Christine Baglioni a business and real estate attorney primarily focused on commercial transactions, leasing, zoning, and private and institutional financing. She also represents clients in connection with real estate disputes, tax assessment appeals, state receivership proceedings, contract negotiations, asset purchase and sale transactions, commercial litigation, administrative hearings, and general business matters.

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