Ben Hinks

Ben Hinks Quoted in the Wall Street Journal’s “Colleges, Parents Fight in Court Over Tuition Charged During Pandemic Closures”

Colleges and universities faced numerous lawsuits during the height of the pandemic after they closed campuses and moved classes online while charging students their usual tuition rates.

Many courts have issued decisions that support students and parents seeking refunds, but those rulings conflict with other decisions that found students don’t have valid claims. Cases pending in higher-level courts could bring more clarity. Ben Hinks discussed the issue with the Wall Street Journal.

Ben noted that decisions in the cases could turn on the specific promises schools made to students about in-person education—and whether students suffered any harm in the switch to remote classes, “We’re definitely seeing a trend towards plaintiff-friendly rulings at the pretrial stages,” he said. “However, these are hard-fought cases, and the fight is not over for universities.”

Continue reading “Colleges, Parents Fight in Court Over Tuition Charged During Pandemic Closures” on the Wall Street Journal website (subscription required).


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