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Mississippi Judge Invalidates A Portion Of The “Religious Freedom” Law

On July 1, Mississippi’s “Religious Freedom” law was supposed to go into effect. Signed by the governor back in April,  HB 1523 appears to allow sweeping anti-LGBTQ discrimination under the guise of “religious freedom.” The law allows businesses to deny services to gay couples or transition-related care to transgender individuals.  

The law also permits clerks to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples, provided that another clerk in their office can authorize the license.

However, a federal judge in Mississippi has made it clear that HB 1523 interferes with the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell. Judge Carlton Reeves agreed to reopen a case that sought marriage equality in Mississippi as a tool to block the part of the law that allowed clerks to refuse marriage licenses to gay couples.

By reopening the case, Justice Reeves reminded the parties that there was a permanent injunction already in place from June 2015 that required the clerks to comply with Obergefell. The judge said that he was not convinced that all 81 clerks were complying, and so he ordered the parties to propose an amendment to the injunction to ensure obedience by the clerks – i.e. language that would hold clerks in contempt for disobeying.

Specifically, Justice Reeves held that “Mississippi’s elected officials may disagree with Obergefell, of course, and may express that disagreement as they see fit – by advocating for a constitutional amendment to overturn the decision, for example. But the marriage license issue will not be adjudicated anew after every legislative session.”

It will be interesting to see whether the Mississippi courts will attack the other portions of HB 1523.

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AiVi Nguyen
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AiVi Nguyen

AiVi Nguyen is a business lawyer with a specialty in litigation, a practical strategist with a focus on complex contract, real estate and employment disputes. AiVi represents businesses of all sizes and in all stages of growth in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island in a wide variety of industries spanning from healthcare to craft breweries. “I think of myself as a problem solver,” she says. AiVi’s goal is to get her clients the best result in the most efficient manner. Sometimes that means taking a matter all the way through trial, where AiVi has proven to be an aggressive and successful advocate.

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AiVi Nguyen
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AiVi Nguyen

AiVi Nguyen is a business lawyer with a specialty in litigation, a practical strategist with a focus on complex contract, real estate and employment disputes. AiVi represents businesses of all sizes and in all stages of growth in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island in a wide variety of industries spanning from healthcare to craft breweries. “I think of myself as a problem solver,” she says. AiVi’s goal is to get her clients the best result in the most efficient manner. Sometimes that means taking a matter all the way through trial, where AiVi has proven to be an aggressive and successful advocate.

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