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IRS To Increase Visits to Taxpayers

The Internal Revenue Service recently announced that it will step up visits to higher income taxpayers who have not filed income tax returns.  These face to face visits will focus on taxpayers who have not filed tax returns in 2018 or earlier years.  For purposes of these visits, higher income taxpayers includes those with incomes over $100,000 who have not filed their income tax return.  In addition, the IRS said that the higher income taxpayers targeted by this new initiative have received (and likely ignored) numerous letters from the IRS.

This new initiative follows on the IRS Commissioner’s recent announcement of recent hiring of new revenue officers and plans to hire many more.

The best strategy taxpayers can follow to avoid an in-person visit by an IRS agent is to timely file their income tax return.  The due date for 2019 tax returns is April 15, 2020.  If, however, a taxpayer does receive one of these visits, they may want to consider calling a qualified tax professional.

Categorized: Taxes

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About the Authors

Scott C. Cashman
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Tax Manager

Scott C. Cashman

Scott Cashman, co-editor of the Don’t Tax Yourself blog, is the Tax Manager for the firm’s Estate, Financial and Tax Planning practice area. He is responsible for the preparation and oversight of all fiduciary, individual and corporate income returns as well as estate and gift tax and nonprofit tax compliance. Scott also represents clients in audits before federal and state taxing authorities.

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About the Authors

Scott C. Cashman
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Tax Manager

Scott C. Cashman

Scott Cashman, co-editor of the Don’t Tax Yourself blog, is the Tax Manager for the firm’s Estate, Financial and Tax Planning practice area. He is responsible for the preparation and oversight of all fiduciary, individual and corporate income returns as well as estate and gift tax and nonprofit tax compliance. Scott also represents clients in audits before federal and state taxing authorities.

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